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Empowering Philip with Solar Energy – A Journey to Energy Independence

Solarfix panel system on house

Customer: Philip

Installation Year: 2022

System Size: 5.4kw

No of Panels: 15

Inverter: SolarEdge Optimised HD Wave

Battery: 10kw SolarEdge Energy Bank 

EV Charger: MyEnergi Zappi Car Charger 



Philip, like many homeowners in Northern Ireland, began considering solar energy as his electricity bills continued to rise. With a busy household where the washing machine and tumble dryer never seemed to stop, his energy costs were steadily climbing. After conducting some research and reading online reviews, Philip decided to reach out to Solarfix, a leading solar panel supplier, drawn by the company's excellent reputation and his own positive experience with one of our sales representatives.


The Solution

During the consultation, it became clear that Philip's roof would require panels to be installed on separate sides due to its layout. To address this, Solarfix recommended the SolarEdge system, which is specifically designed to handle such situations with a multi-roof system. Unlike standard string inverters, SolarEdge DC optimised inverters offer advanced capabilities, generating more power from each module while overcoming shading issues that could impact performance.

Key benefits of the SolarEdge system include:

  • Optimised Power Generation: The system avoids module-level power clipping and combats shading with optimisers, ensuring each panel operates at its maximum capacity, regardless of its location or orientation on the roof.

  • Enhanced Monitoring: With the mySolarEdge app, Philip can monitor the performance of each individual panel in real-time, giving him greater visibility and control over his energy production.

  • Improved Safety: SolarEdge systems include advanced safety features, providing peace of mind along with their performance benefits.


SolarEdge panels

Recognising that most of his household's energy usage occurred in the evening when everyone was home from work or school, Solarfix advised Philip to add a home storage battery. Philip opted for the SolarEdge battery to maintain brand consistency and use the same app for seamless control. This battery allows him to store energy generated during the day for use in the evening or charge it from a night tariff to be used throughout the day, depending on the weather. For example, during the winter months when solar production is lower. This combination of stored solar power and cheaper night-time electricity helps Philip further reduce his electricity bills, even during the less sunny months.

With the mySolarEdge app, Philip can manage this all from the touch of his fingertips, making energy management simple and user-friendly. The app allows him to monitor and control his solar production, home battery storage, and energy usage in real-time, ensuring he maximises his savings and energy efficiency.

zappi car charger

To complement his solar setup, Philip chose to add a MyEnergi Zappi Car Charger. The Zappi is a revolutionary smart charger that stands out by utilising 100% green energy generated from his home’s solar PV system, allowing him to charge his electric vehicle without impacting the environment.

With three different modes, the Zappi car charger enables Philip to charge his EV from the grid, solar, or a mix of both, depending on the day, weather, or his driving needs. This flexibility means that even during the darker winter months, Philip can charge his car on an off-peak night tariff, gaining additional savings. Through the MyEnergi app, he can set timers, monitor, and take full control of his energy usage, making the Zappi not just a charger but a key component of his energy management strategy.


Seamless Installation and Setup

The Solarfix team ensured that the installation process was smooth and hassle-free for Philip. All necessary paperwork was handled by the team, including notifying NIE (Northern Ireland Electricity) of the installation and guiding Philip through setting up his export account with Power NI. This account enables Philip to get paid for the excess energy his system exports back to the grid, providing an additional financial benefit.

Philip was particularly impressed with how easy the installation process was. As he mentioned, "They just sit on the roof and work away," requiring no ongoing maintenance and creating no mess during installation.


Results and Benefits

Since the installation, Philip has enjoyed both greater energy independence and financial savings. Over the past 18 months, his system has generated over 6,000 units of electricity, resulting in savings of more than £2,000. The panels, supplied by one of the top solar panel suppliers in the region, come with a 25-year performance warranty, ensuring that they will continue to contribute to his energy savings for decades to come.


Why wait?

If, like Philip, you’re tired of paying over the odds for electricity just to meet the basic needs of running your home, it might be time to consider solar power. At Solarfix, we help homeowners and business owners across Northern Ireland take control of their energy usage, save money, and gain financial stability for the future.

Get in touch with us today at 0800 246 5198 or visit our website to complete the contact form. Solar is the one purchase that can actually make you money, so why not start your journey towards energy independence today?


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